Total training solutions
Advance your crew and personell to the next level
On the Job Training
An experienced dredge master from Royal IHC will step on board your dredger to elevate your crew’s skillset. On the Job training is suitable for both your dredging operators as well as your technical crew on board of different dredging equipment. Expect topics as instruments & readings, way of working, determining project constraints, and more.
Your crew will train on board their own vessel, in their own company culture and project environment. This brings many advantages, such as:
- process of learning is embedded in the daily routine on board
- direct guidance and feedback
- no crewing challenges as crew will train during their rotation on board
- theory will be put to practice immediately during real time scenarios
- flexible training curriculum as it is specific to vessel’s daily operation
- enhance optimal use of equipment
- decrease downtime.
Assessments and record keeping are key during the On the Job training process. We start with an intake assessment to identify the baseline knowledge, skills and learning needs of the participants. Throughout the training, the trainer will fill out record books to show the practices done with the participant and their skills in this specific topic. At the conclusion of the On the Job training, the final assessment will evaluate in which extend the participants have acquired the desired skills and knowledge. Simultaneously, it will serve as an important evaluation moment between the trainer and the participant.

Theory training
We customise our theory curriculums to our client’s needs and equipment. Theory training is very important and helps in understanding principles, concepts and shared vocabulary within the dredging and mining fields.
Theory training does not mean sitting in a classroom and listening to a trainer the entire day. We make our theory training interactive and encourage you to put it to practice immediately by adding case studies or practicums.

Masterclasses allow you to acquire new knowledge or refresh existing skills within a short timeframe of less than four hours.
Masterclasses are available provided in different learning environments, such as:
- in-person sessions at conferences
- live from our virtual classroom
- in-person at your preferred location.
There are several advantages to joining a masterclass:
- accommodating to tight schedules due to their short length
- higher retention of knowledge due to active engagement
- focused content maximizes the efficiency of learning.
Simulator training
Our Training Institute has a Cutter Suction Dredger (CSD) and a Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger (TSHD) simulator. Both simulators can be packed into a flight case and easily shipped to our clients premises.
During our simulator training we combine theory classes with simulator training; theory will be put to practice immediately. We are able to have our participants experience real life scenarios as we are able to change conditions like dredging depth, soil conditions and pipeline configurations.
On the TSHD simulator the maritime officers and pipe operators will experience all elements of a dredge cycle: from sailing to loading and unloading. On the CSD simulator the operators will experience all procedures: from start up to discharge.
Expect the following topics during simulator training with Royal IHC:
- operational preparations
- dredging procedures
- dredging in challenging situations
- practical issues
- desk controls
- basic dredging exercises
- startup and shutdown procedures
- settlement processes
- suction processes
- the dumping process and procedures
- emergency procedures.

Technical training
Technical training is crucial in ensuring safe and efficient operation of dredge equipment. It can be provided as theory training or as blended learning in which we combine theory and practical training. During practical training, emphasizes is put on a safe working environment and safe working procedures.
Technical training is available in standardized short courses, however also in prolonged customized courses. We can skill your crew in safe lifting, dredge pump (dis)assembly, hydraulic training and much more.

More information?
OrselManager, IHC Training Institute (ITI)

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