
Reduce your project costs
Product overview Hi-Traq® is a subsea vehicle specifically designed to reduce project costs and product risk during the installation and burial of offshore cables.

Suitable for all operations
Although focused on power cable burial the vehicle is also capable of trenching a range of products including umbilicals and flexibles for the offshore oil & gas market. Significant cable burial operations take place in notoriously harsh shallow water environments that have high seabed drag and lift forces generated by strong currents and wave action with corresponding arduous seabed topographies.
- increased operational window
- faster trenching in wider range of soils
- greater flexibility in route planning
- low mobilisation cost
- turnkey supply of equipment and vessels
- responsive 24/7 worldwide service.

Outstanding steering and traction performance
Traditional technologies have often struggled with such demanding conditions which has led to project delays and increased costs. The highly innovative and versatile four-track tooling platform provides unequalled steering and traction performance which facilitates trenching operations in these challenging subsea environments.
Watch the trials
- operates in high currents and waves
- trenches tight radii found on cable 2nd ends
- traverses steep sandwaves and boulders
- no sudden pitching over seabed ridges
- high traction during steering and on slopes
- crane damping system℗ allows operation in sea state 4 from vessels of opportunity
- eductor entry blockage negation℗
- high power, low wear cutting chain
- full utilisation of available jetting power in low and high pressure configurations℗.
More information?
HaylockSales manager subsea vehicles and launch & recovery systems

Your trenching solution
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