IHC Foundation

IHC Foundation

At Royal IHC, we are committed to contributing to a better life for those in need. 

By sharing our knowledge and resources, and by supporting our employees’ initiatives, we aim to help those for whom a little bit of effort can make a world of difference. The IHC Foundation contributes to social, environmental and cultural activities on behalf of, and in cooperation with, Royal IHC employees around the world.

The overall objective of the IHC Foundation, established in 2012, is to support charitable projects in countries where the company conducts its business activities and where its employees are directly involved in operations. This can be achieved through the financial support of existing organisations, or by contributing to initiatives that employees are able to commit to anywhere in the world.

Supported charities

We are proud of our dedicated ambassadors and the projects Royal IHC contributes to. Over the past few years, the IHC Foundation has supported over thirty initiatives, ranging from donations to local food banks and hospices, to the sponsorship of Royal IHC employees participating in sporting events. In addition, the foundation has several long-term partnerships with charitable organisations around the world, such as Mercy Ships and Niketan.

Mercy Ships

Since 2015, the IHC Foundation has been supporting the charitable organisation, Mercy Ships. Mercy Ships, an international medical relief organisation, provides free medical care in developing countries on board the largest nongovernmental hospital ship in the world – the AFRICA MERCY. As of 2022, Mercy Ships will have its second hospital ship – the GLOBAL MERCY. With these two vessels, the organisation wants to double the impact of its great work and make health care available for those who need it most!


Everyone wants a good life and to be accepted for who they are, especially children with a disability. For children in Bangladesh, Niketan is a charity that dreams of a world in which young people with complex disabilities are accepted and can go to school, and make decisions about their own future. With the donation, Niketan can provide high-quality care and education for children with complex disabilities in Bangladesh.


Annually, Royal IHC contributes €100,000 to the IHC Foundation. In principle, the IHC Foundation itself is not engaged in active fundraising. However, should you wish to donate, you are most welcome. Please use IBAN number NL07ABNA0550093060.

The IHC Foundation is appointed as an ‘Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling’ (ANBI) by the Dutch tax authorities.

As of the date of establishment, the IHC Foundation is appointed as "Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling" (ANBI) by the Dutch tax authorities and registered under RSIN number 8591 85 208.

Through the IHC Foundation, Royal IHC aims to contribute to a better life for everyone. The overall objective of the IHC Foundation is therefore to support charitable projects in countries where the company conducts its business activities and where its employees are directly involved in operations.

The IHC Foundation has the responsibility to:

  • arrange all transactions regarding charity to support social and cultural organisations or other organisations and persons that serve the common good, on behalf of the enterprises of the IHC Merwede group
  • arrange all activities related or contributing to the previous statement in its broadest sense.

Executive committee

The members of the Executive Committee of the foundation include:

  • Mr Peter Bronsveld
  • Mr Bert-Jan de Keijzer 
  • Mr Bas van Oosterhout
  • Ms Binja Wakelkamp

The Executive Committee will assemble at least twice per calendar year for a committee meeting. Each semester, all activities of the IHC Foundation will be reported to the Royal IHC Board of Management. The members of the Executive Committee do not receive any remuneration for their duties regarding the IHC Foundation.

ANBI details

With the ANBI status appointed, all gifts given periodically by natural persons are tax-deductible. Non-periodic gifts from natural persons are tax-deductible if the gift is within the range of 1-10% of the total income of the contributor.

The IHC Foundation is registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce and the Dutch tax authorities as follows:

KvK number: 56131127
RSIN number: 8591 85 208
IBAN: NL07ABNA0550093060

Contact details

Stichting IHC Merwede Foundation
Smitweg 6
2961 AW Kinderdijk
Email: [email protected]