The OTTer® in short

Royal IHC's OTTer® is a range of compact dredgers as platform for deploying the OTTer-Pump. This provides customers with a modular, compact and cost-effective solution to dredge slurry for smaller dredging projects. Examples are ponds, tailings, dams, rivers, canals and small harbors.

Why choose our equipment? 
  • low capital cost layout
  • compact size
  • modular and easy to transport and deploy
  • rugged and robust.

Fit for purpose

Royal IHC's OTTer® is mainly used to dredge medium sand, silt and gravel. It combines the advantages of the IHC OTTer®-Pump unit into a single dredging solution. The design is based on the principles of production maximisation and reliability. Its cost-effective design reduces the need for specialised maintenance personnel.

The OTTer® is a modular deployment system for the range of IHC OTTer®-pumps and comes in two versions. The first type is used for dredging loosely compacted soil. In this vertical deployment configuration, the OTTer®-Pump is fitted with a sand production head and jetting water nozzles and is suspended from an A-frame and lowered under gravity to the dredge surface. The standard pontoon system can deploy the 150-, 200- and 250- OTTer®-Pumps and by adding two additional pontoons to the front, the system can also deploy the bigger 300- and 350-pumps. Dredging depths of 50m and beyond are possible in this configuration, making hard to reach areas easily accessible.

The second type utilises a ladder to deploy the OTTer®-Pump, which is fitted with a rotating cutter head and can be used in combination with the 200- and 250- OTTer®-Pumps. This version is suitable for more compacted soil conditions and for dredging depths up to 10m deep.

IHC OTTer with vertical deployment of the OTTer-pump
Vertical deployment type
IHC OTTer® with ladder deployment of the OTTer®-pump
Ladder deployment type

Applications of the OTTer®

  • construction or heavy mineral sand mining
  • alluvial gold or diamond mining
  • oil sands mining
  • environmental dredging
  • inland waterways and canals maintenance dredging
  • reservoir dredging or power plant maintenance
  • tailings and slimes dams.

More information?

Royal IHC OTTer® with vertical deployment of the OTTer®-pump

How can we help you?

Looking for advice on the use of our OTTer®? Fill in the form and our experts will help you.