Geological services
Geological services in short
IHC Mining provides a technically sound approach to geo-metallurgical delineation through robust interpretation and assessment of all geological observations, primary assay analysis and subsequent metallurgical test work.
Why choose our services?
wealth of experience
renowned mineral sands expertise
proven track record
training and support.
Understanding your project
With a wealth of experience in the mineral sands industry, we are ideally positioned to provide exploration programme planning, sampling, and to set up logging and QA/QC protocols. This ensures that our customers gain the most value from their exploration budget.
Using powerful geological and mining software packages, we can provide 3D interpretation and wireframe modelling for mineral sands and industrial mineral projects. We can also offer an extensive resource estimation service using both contemporary linear and non-linear geostatistical techniques.
Reporting and due diligence
To support the geological and metallurgical work carried out on your project, we can provide a complete JORC technical reporting service. Individual technical reports can also be supplied for intermediate stages of work. For customers seeking to undertake peer reviews of existing projects or competitor/target company projects, we offer an extensive auditing, review and due diligence service. All technical aspects of a project can be reviewed from exploration through to advanced project development.
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JonesManager Geological Services
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