The correct storage and preservation plans can go a long way to ensuring your equipment does not become the victim of standard “wear and tear” damage, associated with poor storage. If your equipment needs to be stored between projects, our team can provide detailed storage and preservation plans. That way, when the equipment is remobilised, the process is as smooth as possible. All the utilities are provided on site, and you can rest easy in the knowledge that your equipment will be in top condition when it is needed, without the outlay expense of a kitted out storage facility.

What we offer

  • global indoor and outdoor facilities with security 
  • long term or short term storage
  • preservation utilities (electricity, air, water)  available for use on equipment where required 
  • intermediate test plans and documentation available 
  • full maintenance record keeping service.
Vessel at Sea visual offshore energy

Contact a specialist

Our team is here to provide you with the best storage solution